Wednesday, March 22, 2006

One in a million

I was always wondering why it is so hard for the men to get a woman. It is not only in humans but in animals too, the male has to put a big fight with a lot of other males to get his mate. Now I got the answer through an sms sent by her highness Kathak.

The sms says... "What is the similarity between men and sperm? They both have a million to one chance of becoming human...!!". Besides the poor joke in the sms, we can see that even under microscopic level, a male has to face a million competitors before impregnating an egg and how can one expect a metamorphosed-over-grown-sperm (read it as man) to get it easy?

Monday, March 20, 2006

Levitation, now available outside a Kung-fu movie!

Floating LCD Clock and Shuttle

Monday, March 13, 2006

Sensex hits 10,000

But I don't care about sensex. However my blog hits 10,000. Thanks to me, who refreshed the page atleast 5,000 to 6,000 times to make this counter reach this unique count. No thanks to anyone else. I hate you all. Bye X( :P :D >:)


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