Why am I not doing my work ?
I felt too bored to work and didn't know what to do. So I typed "Why am I not doing my work" in google to find out what google says. I found this link and it says so.
The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:
> Why am I not doing my work ?
And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
} I don't know either (yet). Let's take a look inside your mind and see
} # rlogin shmoe_brain@net.user.questioner.wuss
} Login: operator
} Password: (the Oracle found this password on the local pirate bulletin
} board)
} WetUnix v.42.33e (collegiate version)
} WU46321: System warning: renegade job interfering with normal processing
} # ps
12:34pm up 23 years, 167 days, load average: 0.11, 0.02, 0.01}
Process CPU time idle JCPU %CPU what
id 10034733 23 0.5% i think, therefore i am
ego 10034732 82 0.5% i am, therefore i think
lust_deamon 538387 19 98% thinksex -r thinksex -r [...]
productive_work 122003 27 1% boring
infantile_wants 538387 20yrs 36 <exiting>
i_want_mommy 82279 18 <no resources, suspended>
} # exit
} There's the answer -- you're spending all your time thinking about sex.
} You owe the Oracle a cold shower and a postcard to Mom.
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